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Sunday, April 5, 2009

41 weeks

Is it possible to be pregnant forever? I am still doing very well with my pregnancy and I haven't gotten to the "get this thing out of me" point that I hear so many woman get to. I still enjoy being pregnant. Of course there are the aches, pains and lack of sleep but overall it's been great...even at 41 weeks. I have had a very easy and enjoyable pregnancy and I can't believe it is coming to an end. We are very excited to meet our little bundle and that part can't come soon enough.
We had our stress test yesterday at the hospital and the midwife said the fluids are on the lower side of being ok. This means that she was very comfortable sending us home and we have an appointment on Monday at the midwifery clinic to have the same tests done again. She let us know that by 10 days to 2 weeks is the longest they will let me go. She also said that I am still only 1cm dilated and that my cervix just isn't ready. If we want to induce it may take a few days before we can even start the process. We need to get my cervix ready first and that is the part that takes the longest, then they would induce. So most likely even after tomorrows visit we will be inducing later this week. On any account, we should have a baby by this next weekend.
Thank you to everyone who has called, emailed and have been thinking about us. We appreciate all the support and kind words. We will try to keep everyone up to date on what is going on and we will post baby pictures here as soon as we can.

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